Hospital Médica Sur
Cons 723 Torre II
Tel: 01 (55) 5606 622 ext 4421
Tel Dir: 01 (55) 2127 1052
Performing Reconstructive & Cosmetic Surgery
With over 1,000 succesful surgeries, we help patients restore their confidence and improve their quality of life.
Boost your self-esteem and restore confidence in yourself.
We are a team of surgeons specialized in facial reconstruction and other body extremities caused by congenital deformities or accidental trauma and nerve injuries.
With microsurgery, we can transfer blocks of subcutaneous tissue, fat, fascia and muscle; as well as bone, arteries, nerves and veins; phalanges or complete fingers of the feet and hands including tendons.
Achieve the image you've always wanted.
Our patients come to us for any of the following: face rejuvenation and reduce sagging; breast reduction or implants; as well as volume increase or decrease of the abdomen, waist, buttocks and calves. Modify your body structure and look like you have always dreamed of.
Thank you for giving us light and hope. Thank you very much for restoring the smile to each of your patients, especially my daughter.
– Nayeli Monte –I feel happy to be in the best hands and with the team of medics that join (Dr. Cárdenas)
– Lyz Ely Peralta Mendoza –(Dr. Cárdenas) has a great human quality but above all is highly professional in the team he leads. Thank you and I hope your hands can keep changing lives.
– Nayma K. Balquiarena Perez –Thank God for creating this great plastic surgeon with magical hands. He restores a smile in children where no hope is to be found.
– Ghynna Zuñiga –