Hospital Médica Sur
Cons 723 Torre II
Tel: 01 (55) 5606 622 ext 4421
Tel Dir: 01 (55) 2127 1052
Achieve the figure you have always wanted by eliminating excess skin and fat from your body. We will also repair weakened abdominal muscles, achieving a more attractive and firm appearance.
We can sculpt your figure by reducing fat accumulated in any of the following areas: thighs, hips and glutes, abdomen and waist, upper arms, back, inner knee area, pectoral area, cheeks, chin and neck, calves and ankles.
This is a cosmetic surgery that provides excellent results for a woman's self-esteem as it improves the balance of her figure, projecting a more secure image full of self-confidence.
Achieve a more harmonious appearance with rhinoplasty. This cosmetic surgery procedure, can also correct breathing difficulties caused by structural anomalies such as asymmetry, hereditary nasal deviation or due to an accident.
Rejuvenate your appearance by giving a firmer and softer sensation to your face and neck, eliminating folds on the eyelids and corners of the mouth, as well as excess double chin.
Thank you for giving us light and hope. Thank you very much for restoring the smile to each of your patients, especially my daughter.
– Nayeli Monte –I feel happy to be in the best hands and with the team of medics that join (Dr. Cárdenas)
– Lyz Ely Peralta Mendoza –(Dr. Cárdenas) has a great human quality but above all is highly professional in the team he leads. Thank you and I hope your hands can keep changing lives.
– Nayma K. Balquiarena Perez –Thank God for creating this great plastic surgeon with magical hands. He restores a smile in children where no hope is to be found.
– Ghynna Zuñiga –